Tuesday, June 11, 2013

These bibles

Since when did it become okay to make everybody else a part of our own self misery? Have we not acknowledged that our guilt has nearly been self inflicted. Of course, this world deserves to be angry at, but not at the expense of those who are at work to change it. Who are you to take away their hunger for love in all languages? After all, aren't we suppose to be brothers and sisters of our neighbors. For I have never seen it written to "feed thee, after though has judged thee." These "scriptures" are only found in the bibles that we write for our own understanding. It is the only way the world can comprehend why one would purposely hurt another knowing how it would feel if they themselves were hurt. Without these bibles, we cannot avenge our happiness through anger and revenge. We live only for a moment of pleasure, and then we are back to asking God why? If only we had one true Bible...If only we acknowledged one true Judge.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Who will They Be

From the flutters I feel from inside with every sudden movement, to the nausea and headaches I get ever so often, I wonder who this little person will be. We spend our days and nights praying that they will be nurses, doctors and lawyers, and become so impatient when the Lord tells us  to "Wait and see." We see a young man sentenced to life in prison, and begin to plan the molding of our children's lives. Will our molding force them to be "successful" men and women, or will too much clay get them into stripping and drugs or to become abusive men who drink alcohol and beat their wives? So heavy is this burden we carry, we want to do right in so many ways. How hard is it to see pass a child's innocence, when that child has far outgrown their juvenile days. Yet, we were all there once, so it should be clear to see, that their is always hope in wondering who this little person will be.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Nights Like This

Some of the nights are becoming long. I'm finding myself back in that place again. My mind running constant. I have lost touch with where I'm suppose to be. My relationship with God is shaken, but never  lost or forgotten. New is not always exciting as many may make it out to be. However, regardless of how I feel, I am expected to adapt and overcome. But Aren't we all? Is it even possible? I mean, who defines exactly what we should overcome. Why aren't we equipped with the exact tools that are needed to overcome these life challenges. I wonder if it is possible to survive without ever adapting. Perhaps all I want to do is overcome. Another long night to think....to cry....to face these unknowns.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Me vs. world

 This world has chased me back into my shell, it seems that me and it don't know each other that well. I guess I should have known, since sunshines and endless rainbows have been long outgrown. Resting at
night, in hopes that I will awake being less afraid. Then who will the children have to lean to, if the God in me has started to fade. Working toward the common purpose, often leading us away from God's will, and causing us to lose focus. No wonder this world has me all shook up, trapped and scared, for the fear of man has made me ill prepared. For the enemy's most powerful weapon is time, and because I am a warrior of Christ, I refuse to allow him to have any more of mine.            

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Not Left

If not one knows the day, time or hour, why do we still follow and live off of the predictions of man, one who misguides us away from Autumn sunshines into cloudy May showers. Must it take the end to help us realize what we failed to do in the beginning? Yet even now we use our ignorance to justify our desires to continue sinning. Lets us open our eyes, so we are not blind leading the blind. For we know if we fulfill God's purpose, there should be no worries about being left behind...

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Wishing on a star, sounds good but it may not change who you are. Wishing on a dream, at times makes our life not as hard as it seems. Coming in before the street light comes on, taking all precautions to prevent all possible wrong. Capturing each moment, praying that it's not our last. So focused looking behind us, the current moment  has now become our past. Stutter stepping to the beat of the "influential,"  not mindful of what these beats may lead us into.  Unsure if I should clap my hands or fold them to pray, for these very beats may bring me closer to my dying day. Which star then holds my wish to stay alive? Which dream then will reveal the ways in which I can survive? These things we may never know, but when asked "why faith?" we can tell them "because the Bible tells me so." And look beyond those beautiful stars and that one wish, instead praise the Holy one who surpasses it.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Never Alone

Walking into the unknown is not always so easy, but, we manage to do it each and every day. We live our lives fearlessly, accepting the inevitable, that one day our walk will surely end. Granted we live in a world full of hate, the universe was created with God's love. So, as we walk into our unknown, let us make it known who exactly we are walking for.