Tuesday, June 11, 2013

These bibles

Since when did it become okay to make everybody else a part of our own self misery? Have we not acknowledged that our guilt has nearly been self inflicted. Of course, this world deserves to be angry at, but not at the expense of those who are at work to change it. Who are you to take away their hunger for love in all languages? After all, aren't we suppose to be brothers and sisters of our neighbors. For I have never seen it written to "feed thee, after though has judged thee." These "scriptures" are only found in the bibles that we write for our own understanding. It is the only way the world can comprehend why one would purposely hurt another knowing how it would feel if they themselves were hurt. Without these bibles, we cannot avenge our happiness through anger and revenge. We live only for a moment of pleasure, and then we are back to asking God why? If only we had one true Bible...If only we acknowledged one true Judge.